Oh, behave.

Janet locked the door to her bedroom. In a panic, she searched for anything heavy that could secure the door in case the lock failed. She could hear the intruder getting closer. She knew she only had a few seconds.
Something smashed through the door, sending splintered wood in all directions. Shielding herself with her arms, Janet stared at the figure in front of in total disbelief. That totally '70s hairdo. Those thick black rimmed glasses. That tiger print speedo. No, it couldn't be!
"This can't be real!" She choked out.
"Oh I'm all real, baby! Yeah!" Austin Powers declared.
Janet lunged for the window, but Austin grabbed her by the ankle.
"Ohh grrr baby, I like when they have some fight in them! Groovy baby!"
Janet screamed as Austin pulled her into her bed for an intense night of love making
THE NEXT FUCKING DAY (Dawn of a New Day)|||||||||
Two cops were looking over the corpse of Janet.
"Poor girl looks like she was ravished to death."
"Shit this must have been the work of Austin Powers!"
"Oh no not again!"